
Courses and Masterclasses

Digital Clutter 5-Day Bootcamp

5.5-Hours. This self-paced course covers the main areas most entrepreneurs struggle with when it comes to managing digital clutter: Files and folders, Browser Bookmarks, Browser Extensions, Email Inbox, and more. Each module also includes a mindset session to help you get into a productive, empowered, and easeful state of mind before tackling the lesson. Each lesson also comes with printable worksheets to assist you after the lessons.

Stress-Free Time Management Masterclass

1.5-Hours. Go from scattered to streamlined! This Masterclass will show you my 3-part framework for managing your time without overwhelm. Get your schedule organized once and for all with this time-tested, hassle-free, evergreen method for keeping your time in order. Become a Time Boss! Also includes a bonus: 12-Month Social Media Planner!

Asana 101 Basics Masterclass

1.5-Hours. This Masterclass is a crash course to get you up and running right away using Asana project management software with confidence. You will learn how to navigate the main areas of Asana, create projects, tasks, and subtasks, explore the many customizable options for projects and tasks, learn about assigning and scheduling projects and tasks, how to use the different dashboard views, how to use Asana with team members and collaborators, how to add quick tasks from your desktop, as well as tagging, sorting, custom settings, and more. You will also receive a comprehensive worksheet to review the class topics long after you're done.

30-Day Gratitude Challenge

30-Days of Daily Emails and Contemplation. Science tells us that our brains can’t respond to negative and positive emotions at the same time, so the more time we spend mindfully, and authentically immersed in thinking about the things we are grateful for, the better! Sitting in gratitude means you aren’t in stress, worry, or anger. Taking time to immerse in gratitude a few times a day won’t make life less stressful, or make you forget the thing you’re worried about… but it does have lasting benefits.